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Secure Logic

Secure Logic is a signals technology company that develops innovative solutions to enhance digital awareness, reduce risk and improve risk resilience. Our smart solutions translate millions of invisible signals into a meaningful picture of your digital risk landscape.

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Secure Logic is an Austin-based signals technology company that develops innovative solutions to enhance digital awareness, reduce risk and improve risk resilience. Founded by a team of technology, national security, and business operations professionals, Secure Logic helps customers detect, monitor and mitigate risk. Our smart solutions translate millions of invisible signals into a meaningful picture of the risk landscape. By integrating this technology, we help critical infrastructure, national security, law enforcement, emergency response and commercial partners better understand their physical environments, respond to risks faster, and adapt to the evolving digital environment.

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The digital landscape is evolving at a breakneck pace. More personal and transmitting IoT devices are being connected than ever before, causing the quantity of transmitting signals to surge. This trend brings new challenges – and opportunities.


We are a one-stop-shop for advanced signals monitoring, trend analysis and intelligence. Our ecosystem of solutions collect and analyze signals and build sophisticated digital profiles to detect suspicious activity. We provide a deeper level of digital awareness that is traditionally overlooked.

Our technology goes beyond traditional domains of security – visual, physical and digital – to provide a deeper level of digital awareness and understanding.

24-7 Risk Detection
Enhanced Digital Risk Awareness

Our technologies do not sleep. Our solutions operate around the clock to collect and categorize signals, and detect potential risks within an area of interest. We provide decision-makers with an additional level of awareness about the things they care about most.

Robust Risk Analysis 
Improved Risk Response

Our advanced sensor technologies analyze signals, confirm and identify routine behaviors, and flag anomalous activities that traditional physical awareness solutions do not detect. Data-driven insights, real-time alerts, relevant reports, and actionable intelligence enable leaders to make more informed decisions about risks.

AI & ML-driven Insights
Increased Risk Resiliency

Secure Logic employs artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to reveal signal behavioral patterns and connections, which provide critical context to the digital risk landscape. As more signal-transmitting devices go online, we curate more distinct and sophisticated digital profiles that help your organization become more resilient to future risks

Customizable, Versatile and

We make adoption simple, swift and effective. Our lightweight, highly customizable and agile solution can be deployed anywhere and attached to virtually anything. Secure Logic’s user-friendly dashboard displays location-based signal alerts, trends and insights in real-time and in plain language.

Simple and Seamless

Implement Secure Logic’s solutions as a turnkey system, or deploy our solutions to augment existing enterprise-wide security platforms. Our technologies are simple to integrate with existing platforms, databases and security infrastructures.


Our innovative signals analysis solutions provide unprecedented digital and situational awareness, and help organizations mitigate and be more resilient to risks. We’d love to chat to learn about your awareness needs.


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