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The digital landscape is evolving at a breakneck pace. This phenomenon brings both new risks and opportunities for critical infrastructure, national and homeland security, emergency management, and other leaders in high-stakes industries.

In the Internet of Things (IoT) era, more personal and transmitting IoT devices are being connected than ever before, dramatically increasing the quantity of transmitting signals. This upward trend is only the beginning. 

~12.3 Billion

The number of IoT devices projected to be connected in 2021, a 9% increase from 2020.


The number of new devices connected to the internet every second.

+27 Billion

The number of IoT devices projected to be connected in the world by 2025.

These trends will have transformative impact on how leaders manage risks and protect the things that matter most: their people, assets and ability to operate.

Traditional Approaches to Risk Management and Security are Insufficient

Traditional approaches to managing risks and protecting people, places, things and operations only tell part of the risk story. While video surveillance devices, security guards, and other traditional security and risk management approaches are effective at providing some level of awareness and physical security, they have several shortcomings.

Limited Visibility

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Current capabilities provide partial awareness, usually from a visual, physical and/or digital perspective. Visibility to critical and emerging digital risks is limited.


Incomplete physical and situational awareness impacts a leader’s ability to:

  • Make informed and swift decisions

  • Respond to risks and threats effectively

  • Create a more resilient organization as risks and trends evolve

  • Effectively protect valued assets

  • See the whole risk picture

The Changing Risk & Digital Environment 

Traditional approaches do not account for the reality of today’s digital environment, the extraordinary growth trajectory of IoT and IoT device usage, and the omnipresence of signals and signals transmission.

There are billions of connected IoT devices in the world. Most IoT devices employ signals, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other signals, to connect.

The unprecedented growth of IoT contributes to a surge of digital signals all over the world. These signals become more distinguished, complex and numerous over time. Leaders must adapt and stay ahead of this rapidaly evolving digital environment.

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IoT Devices

​Traditional Devices

  • Laptops and Desktops

  • Mobile Phones

  • Servers

  • Routers

New Internet or BT-Connected Devices

  • Printers

  • Cameras

  • Appliances

  • Wearables

  • Navigation Systems

  • Home Security Systems

Underutilized Data & Advanced Analytics Capabilities

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There is a rich trove of largely untapped and underutilized signals data all around us. Traditional approaches to risk management typically do not leverage this data to enhance digital awareness, bolster existing protocols and better mitigate risks.


By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, these data points can provide a more complete picture of potential risks to any valued asset, whether it is a secure facility or a network of pipelines.

A Refreshed Approach is Needed

Critical infrastructure, national and homeland security, law enforcement leaders need smart, strategic and innovation solutions that not only help better manage and respond to the risks of today, but also help anticipate and be more resilient to the risks of tomorrow.

Smart Signals Awareness Solutions

Signals analysis is a critical component of risk mitigation in the IoT era.

While the evolving digital landscape creates more risks by increasing potential threats, Secure Logic also see the opportunity that the influx of transmitting devices bring in enhancing digital awareness.

Each transmittable IoT device emits an invisible, low radio frequency (RF) that can be analyzed. There are billions of them. We see each as a data point.  Stitched together and analyzed over time, these signals can provide a more meaningful and complete picture of your digital risk landscape.


Secure Logic offers a complete ecosystem of solutions that taps into this rich trove of signals data to enhance digital awareness, reduce risk, and improve risk resilience. See our Solutions page or Contact Us for more information.

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