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Secure Logic’s smart technologies build sophisticated digital profiles based on signal patterns and can detect suspicious activity, providing a deeper level of digital and situational awareness. 


Each transmitting device emits an invisible low radio frequency, or signal. There are billions of signals. Stitched together and analyzed over time with Secure Logic's advanced analytics capabilities, these signals can provide a more meaningful and complete picture of the risk landscape.

Our advanced technologies:

  • Create rich digital profiles or “personas” of devices

  • Identify and confirm routine signal behavior

  • Unveil signal patterns 

  • Flag anomalous activities that typically go undetected

  • Operate around the clock

  • Provide actionable intelligence 

  • Become even more advanced over time, enabling signal behavior prediction capabilities 


More Informed Decision-Making with our Actionable Intelligence

Our advanced data analytics generate unique and tailored insights that enable leaders to make swift and informed decisions about potential risks and business operations. 

Know when devices have entered or exited your defined area of interest.

Understand patterns of device over time

Receive real-time alerts when a device of interest is on premise

Building Resilience

One of the best features of our solutions is that they just keep getting smarter over time.

More personal and transmitting IoT devices are being connected than ever before, causing the quantity of transmitting signals to surge. As more devices go online, more data is available to curate richer personas, shedding more light into operational and user patterns and behaviors. As time goes by, we’re able to build more distinct and sophisticated digital profiles that inform the digital risk landscape.

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