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Emergency Management professionals work in fast-paced and high-stakes environments, and are required to make swift and informed decisions to save lives. Limited information, aging communications systems and others external factors can hinder first responders’ ability to see the whole picture of where people are concentrated real-time when disaster strikes. Secure Logic’s signals awareness solutions can have a meaningful impact in detecting human presence during emergency scenarios and natural and man-made disasters, and informing emergency response efforts.

Emergency Management Benefits

Enhance Digital & Situational Awareness

Immediately identify where signals are being transmitted from in disaster scenarios. Detect signal presence in hard to reach areas.

Improve Risk Mitigation and Response

Leverage signals insights on human presence to guide emergency response plans, and make swift, informed, and potentially life-saving decisions when disaster strikes.

Build Resilience with AI & ML Insights

 Refresh emergency preparedness plans to incorporate human presence trends and predictive behavior insights, and cultivate more a resilient organization. 

Integrate Mobile Capabilties 

Attach the Sentinel to a moving vehicle, a drone, or a stationary unit to identify nearby signals, and access the signals dashboard from anywhere in the world.

Emergency Management Use Case

Secure Logic's advanced signals awareness solutions can be used in a variety of natural disasters and crises scenarios. From earthquakes to active shooter scenarios and everything in between, emergency management professionals and first responders can deploy our technology when disaster strikes and immediately detect human presence, helping to inform emergency response decisions in real-time, advert crises and, potentially, save lives. 

Contact us directly at to learn more.

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